Stick your finger with the provided lancet and touch the Test to your finger to let 1-3 drops of blood enter the Test. 

Tap the Test twice on
a table and lay it flat.

Wait 15 minutes for your
in-home syphilis test result.

According to the CDC, if you have had unprotected sex with unfamiliar partners or feel you may be at risk for syphilis, it’s important to test as early as possible—and for certain at-risk populations to test several times per year—to prevent long-term complications to your health.

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What are the symptoms of syphilis?

Infected people may experience painless ulcers, sores, vaginal discharge or wart-like growths on their genitals, rectum, or mouth. People may also experience rashes, small bumps or ulcers on their skin, palms, or soles. Additional common symptoms include fatigue, itching, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, weight loss, or rectal lining inflammation.

What puts me at risk for syphilis?

Risk of syphilis results from unprotected sexual contact with one or multiple partners who is/are currently infected with syphilis. It is possible for a person to be infected with syphilis without having symptoms (i.e., “asymptomatic”) and still transmit the infection to another.